Online course troubleshooting

1. I have paid for the course but cannot see the course content

If you cannot access the course content on the course page – this normally means you are not logged onto the Cleansmart site. Login by clicking “account” at the top of each webpage. If you have forgotten your password please use the “Lost password” link.

2. I received a free course place with my machine purchase and cannot access the course

Please contact us so we can check your account has been given course access.

3. I cannot open the course notes:

When opening the course notes, you will be prompted for a password. The password is directly above the link you clicked on to download the course notes.

4. I cannot progress to the next lesson/quiz:

You need to finish each video to get to the quiz and move onto the next lesson. Occasionally a lesson gets stuck in a loop where you return to the beginning of the lesson (instead of moving onto the next lesson).

This is likely an issue with the cache on the device you are using: Either log into the course using an incognito tab and try again. Or clear the cache, history and cookies in your browser and try again. Or try accessing the course using a different device.